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Adrena brings Tidetech onboard

Posted by Penny Haire on 26 June 2012 12:31:00 PM
Penny Haire


Applied oceanography specialist Tidetech has formed a partnership with leading tactical racing software developer Adrena to integrate its GRIB data products into Adrena's navigation software platform.

Full integration will enable Tidetech subscribers to download standard and custom oceanographic GRIB products from within Adrena through a special user interface. GRIB files will be instantly shown in Adrena's intuitive weather graphics display and can be used in its sophisticated optimal routing system.

Tactical navigation software allows navigators to access GRIB files for meteorology and now oceanographic data and calculate route options based on the high-resolution data. Tidetech's products include tidal streams, ocean currents, sea surface temperatures and wave forecasts.

Tidetech and Adrena have already been used in conjunction successfully during the current Volvo Ocean Race. Volvo teams use a selection of tools to ensure a broad and deep understanding of all tactical options. Having access to Tidetech's data has proved crucial at many points in the race.

Tidetech managing director Penny Haire said the Volvo Ocean Race had been a very public demonstration of the value of detailed oceanographic GRIBs.

"The Volvo navigators have all relied heavily on our data, especially in leg seven where the Gulf Stream played a big role," Ms Haire said.

"Adrena is one of the leading tactical navigation tools and many of the world's top navigators use it... the feedback we've had from Groupama and other Volvo boats using Adrena has been extremely good."

Adrena director Cecile Rodet said they had long admired Tidetech's data and were delighted with the partnership.

"Our customers want access to the best data available for their strategic and tactical decision-making," Ms Rodet said.

"Tidetech is the leading provider of oceanographic data... it supplies the Volvo Ocean Race and America's Cup and we wanted to ensure our customers could easily access the same data.

"We believe our navigation software is the best and our customers need to be able to access the best data from within the platform."



Topics: Sydney to Hobart, Adrena, America's Cup, Volvo Ocean

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