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Whitsunday Islands Tidal Model for Airlie Beach & Hamilton Island Race Weeks.

Rolex Fastnet 2023 - Tidal Tactics

NEW Whitsundays Tidal Model: ready for Hamilton Island Race Week.

Climate change: One slipping under the radar, the Thwaites Glacier

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2021: Where is the EAC?

Vineyard Race 2021 - GRIB Tidal Currents

Rolex Fastnet Race 2021: Winning is in the Details

GRIB Tidal Currents for Chesapeake Bay

Navigating Long Island Sound Tides

What is Sea Level Data & How is it Collected?

The Changing Tides in the English Channel

Long Term Weather Forecasting Doesn’t Have to Be a Guess

Did you know that 90% of coastal seas have no tidal data available?

The Currents in Singapore Strait are Extremely Complex. Here's Why.

36th Americas Cup - Auckland Tidal Currents

Coastal or Ocean Currents -  Do you know the difference?

How Hindcast Weather and Ocean Data Can Optimise Vessel Performance

New! Narragansett Bay high resolution tidal model

GRIB Tidal Currents for Long Island Sound

The Best Weather Data Sources Available

Navigating the Strait of Gibraltar Tides

The Best Papers and Articles on Maritime Digitalisation

The Sydney-Hobart race: running down the coast

'Won and Lost' in the Derwent

Tidetech joins DNV GL’s Veracity

Fuel efficiency bring next generation weather routing into mainstream

FREE Tidemap offer extended for Rio Olympics

Tidetech and Adrena Navigation Software

Made Smart Group enrols as Tidetech value added OEM resupplier

Singapore Malacca Straits model upgraded to include tidal surge

50m resolution model for 2016 Rio Olympics

NEW Straits of Gibraltar tidal model

Gibraltar strait tidal stream

Adrena brings Tidetech onboard

Tidetech to integrate with Adrena

Oceanographic route optimisation trial yields significant results

New tidal optimisation reveals significant bunker savings

Tricky approaches - it all hangs on Hobart

Sea surface temperature - hot stuff

East Australian Current

Inside Track - How Tidetech's data influences real tactical decisions

New oceanographic data in major ship-routing trial

Download the Ocean

High resolution metocean data from the world's foremost ocean scientists

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View accurate and detailed online maps of tidal and ocean currents, waves and wind with Tidemap, or integrate our unique data services with your application. 

Advantages :

  • Unique high resolution tidal currents - only available from Tidetech
  • Wide range of scientifically validated wave and weather data
  • Forecast and historical data
  • Enterprise grade cloud based data services via high capacity API's

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