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GRIB Tidal Currents for Chesapeake Bay

Posted by Penny Haire on 4 June 2021 12:31:51 PM
Penny Haire

We are very pleased to release a new model of Chesapeake Bay in time for the Annapolis to Newport Race! Sourced from NOAA the model covers the entire bay in incredible detail, showing for the first time the complexity of the currents everywhere in the Bay from Annapolis to Cape Charles, including the Potomac River.

Currents at Chesapeake Entrance

All factors considered

Chesapeake Bay is a challenging place to model as tidal currents are not the only factor in play.  At least 10 major rivers feed into the Bay and this freshwater influx affects the timing and strength of the underlying tidal flow, particularly after heavy rain. Wind-driven currents are also a factor across this large expanse of water. Fortunately, the oceanographers at NOAA have taken all these factors into account and the model output includes tidal, freshwater and wind-driven inputs providing a complete picture of total currents in the Bay.

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Model Facts

  1. Resolution - 500m
  2. Time steps - 60min
  3. Forecast Length - 48hrs
  4. GRIB files available
  5. Sourced from NOAA
  6. Tested in Expedition and Adrena, Time Zero.Chesapeake bay total

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How to get GRIBS

    1. Purchase an advanced subscription
    2. Download GRIBs from our website (at the very bottom of the /data page) or via Expedition software

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Topics: currents, Expedition, sailing, yacht, racing, optimised route, high resolution model, grib, yacht race, Vineyard Race

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