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Vineyard Race 2021 - GRIB Tidal Currents

Posted by Penny Haire on 20 August 2021 5:23:58 PM
Penny Haire

plum gut light house 3

Are you entering the 2021 Vineyard Race?

The complex strong tidal currents at the eastern end of Long Island Sound can be challenging for even the most experienced race navigators.

Key questions need to be considered. Will you depart Long Island Sound via The Race, Plum Gut, or The Sluiceway? What are your tactics for the return back into Long Island Sound on the way home? How you negotiate these complex and strong tidal currents could be the difference between a good race and a Great Race. 

Fortunately, Tidetech has accurate high-resolution tidal current forecast models for the entire course available in GRIB format. This allows you to make the best navigation decisions giving you more time to simply sail fast and gain an advantage over your closest competitors. 

A Navigator's Racetrack

The complexity of the currents in the Vineyard Race makes the Navigators decisions critical.

Will you be the navigator who leads with carefully considered informed decisions based on the best tidal current data, or are you going to let the bowman tell you where to sail!

Get Gribs Now

Key locations

Regular competitors will already know how vitally important the following locations are to the result:

  1. The Race (passage between Little Gull Island and Fishers Island)
  2. Plum Gut (passage between Orient Point and Plum Island)
  3. Block Island

Watch this video to see how the currents flow as the tide changes:


Model Facts

  1. Resolution - 110m
  2. Time steps - 30min
  3. GRIB files available
  4. Tested in Expedition and Adrena, Time Zero etc.

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We have compared the model to NOAA observations for Height at a selection of Ports, and currents where NOAA current meters are located.

Tidal Heights

Long Island Sound Tidal Currents accuracy3

Long Island Sound Tidal Currents Accuracy

Tidal Currents

Long Island Sound Tidal Currents accuracy3

Long Island Sound Tidal Currents Accuracy 4

The 'observations' come from the NOAA Ports website (https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/).


How to get GRIBS

    1. Purchase an advanced subscription
    2. Download GRIBs from our website or via Expedition software
    3. If you have more questions about our Tidal Current models or Tidetech generally please contact us at enquiries@tidetech.org

Get Gribs Now


Topics: currents, Expedition, sailing, yacht, racing, optimised route, high resolution model, grib, yacht race, Vineyard Race

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Long Island Sound CTA3

View accurate and detailed online maps of tidal and ocean currents, waves and wind with Tidemap, or integrate our unique data services with your application. 

  • Unique high resolution tidal currents - only available from Tidetech
  • Wide range of scientifically validated wave and weather data
  • Forecast and historical data
  • Enterprise grade cloud based data services via high capacity API's

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