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Tidetech joins DNV GL’s Veracity

Posted by Penny Haire on 3 June 2019 3:35:00 PM

Tide and current data will be available to users of DNV GL’s Veracity web service after Hobart-Australia-based metocean data specialist Tidetech joined Veracity.
Tidetech will make its metocean data available to Veracity users as data or via an API, enabling shipowners and managers to optimise their fleet operations, save fuel and increase vessel efficiency. Tidetech is the only provider high resolution forecast modelling of coastal tides and currents, including in critical locations such as the Malacca Strait and English Channel where there is a significant influence of tidal currents.

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Topics: integration, API, DNV GL, Veracity

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High resolution metocean data from the world's foremost ocean scientists

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View accurate and detailed online maps of tidal and ocean currents, waves and wind with Tidemap, or integrate our unique data services with your application. 

Advantages :

  • Unique high resolution tidal currents - only available from Tidetech
  • Wide range of scientifically validated wave and weather data
  • Forecast and historical data
  • Enterprise grade cloud based data services via high capacity API's

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