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Rolex Fastnet Race 2021: Winning is in the Details

Posted by Penny Haire on 21 June 2021 5:39:52 PM

The prestigious Rolex Fastnet Race is just a few weeks away, and competitors who have the most accurate data on hand will be able to make the best possible decisions for the fastest route.
The Fastnet is genuinely a navigators' race, as it challenges competitors to negotiate some very tricky tidal situations - such as whether to head offshore for pressure or tuck inshore to avoid the worst of an adverse tide. This year's race is exciting because it's finishing in France for the first time, and the last section involves negotiating the notorious Alderney Race, with currents of up to 9 kts.

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Topics: sailing, tides, English Channel, Tidemap, grib, yacht race, yacht racing, Fastnet

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