Model - Key facts
Whitsunday Islands Tidal Model for Airlie Beach & Hamilton Island Race Weeks.
Topics: sailing, tides, Tidemap, grib, yacht race, yacht racing, Hammo, Hamilton island race week, whitsundays
NEW Whitsundays Tidal Model: ready for Hamilton Island Race Week.
Topics: sailing, tides, Tidemap, grib, yacht race, yacht racing, Hammo, Hamilton island race week, whitsundays
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2021: Where is the EAC?
Topics: Sydney to Hobart, sailing, East Australian Current, tides, optimised route, Tidemap, grib, yacht race, yacht racing
Are you entering the 2021 Vineyard Race?
The complex strong tidal currents at the eastern end of Long Island Sound can be challenging for even the most experienced race navigators.
Key questions need to be considered. Will you depart Long Island Sound via The Race, Plum Gut, or The Sluiceway? What are your tactics for the return back into Long Island Sound on the way home? How you negotiate these complex and strong tidal currents could be the difference between a good race and a Great Race.
Fortunately, Tidetech has accurate high-resolution tidal current forecast models for the entire course available in GRIB format. This allows you to make the best navigation decisions giving you more time to simply sail fast and gain an advantage over your closest competitors.
Topics: currents, Expedition, sailing, yacht, racing, optimised route, high resolution model, grib, yacht race, Vineyard Race
The prestigious Rolex Fastnet Race is just a few weeks away, and competitors who have the most accurate data on hand will be able to make the best possible decisions for the fastest route.
The Fastnet is genuinely a navigators' race, as it challenges competitors to negotiate some very tricky tidal situations - such as whether to head offshore for pressure or tuck inshore to avoid the worst of an adverse tide. This year's race is exciting because it's finishing in France for the first time, and the last section involves negotiating the notorious Alderney Race, with currents of up to 9 kts.
Topics: sailing, tides, English Channel, Tidemap, grib, yacht race, yacht racing, Fastnet
We are very pleased to release a new model of Chesapeake Bay in time for the Annapolis to Newport Race! Sourced from NOAA the model covers the entire bay in incredible detail, showing for the first time the complexity of the currents everywhere in the Bay from Annapolis to Cape Charles, including the Potomac River.
Topics: currents, Expedition, sailing, yacht, racing, optimised route, high resolution model, grib, yacht race, Vineyard Race
How Hindcast Weather and Ocean Data Can Optimise Vessel Performance
Topics: sailing, yacht, efficiency, speed optimisation, optimised route
New! Narragansett Bay high resolution tidal model
Due to high demand we have released a limited edition high resolution tidal model for Narragansett bay and Rhode island Sound in time for the Rolex New York Yacht Club Race Week. The region covered includes all racing areas in the Bay and to the South at 110 m resolution at 60 minute intervals.
Data is available as GRIBs or PDF images like the ones below, for the North and South race areas.
Topics: sailing, yacht, tidal model, high resolution model, yacht race, NYYC, Narragansett Bay
We are very excited to release our new model of Long Island Sound. With a resolution of 110m the model covers whole Sound in incredible detail, showing for the first time how the tidal currents flow around key locations across the region.
Topics: currents, Expedition, sailing, yacht, racing, optimised route, high resolution model, grib, yacht race, Vineyard Race
Thanks to the integration of Tidetech in Adrena Navigation Software, it is easy to access to a worldwide coverage of tidal streams and ocean currents data in GRIB format.
Topics: sailing, racing, Adrena, navigation