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Did you know that 90% of coastal seas have no tidal data available?

Posted by Penny Haire on 26 January 2021 9:59:55 AM

Traditionally, there has been little tidal information available to the public other than height predictions for major (standard) and minor (secondary) ports; even fewer tidal current predictions are available to Mariners other than a limited number of tidal diamonds and tidal stream atlases. These data have traditionally been published by official sources, such as Hydrographic Offices.  

Although useful for indicating conditions at the start and end of a journey, this data on its own doesn't provide the level of detail that mariners need for their chosen waterborne activity. In this article, we cover the traditional methods for tidal measurement and their shortcomings and modern technological advancements that can revolutionise the maritime industry in terms of tidal information.

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Topics: tides, tidal model, high resolution model, tide-surge forecast

Singapore Malacca Straits model upgraded to include tidal surge

Posted by Penny Haire on 19 May 2015 12:16:00 PM


It’s been three years since we released the Singapore and Malacca Straits 800m high resolution tidal model. This model benefits vessels using route and speed optimisation systems in this busy stretch of water by taking advantage of accurate tidal speed, direction and height data to create bunkerage savings..

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Topics: currents, tidal model, high resolution model, Malacca Singapore Straits, tide-surge forecast

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