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Data Services

Integrate our data with your application

Tidetech data Systems small

Optimize operations, reduce costs and uncover new revenue opportunities. Our highly reliable and robust data delivery service enables you to integrate accurate and detailed forecast, nowcast or historical data directly into your application or IOT solution. Access datasets programmatically or implement our Metocean layers in your WMS.

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Tidetech metocean API

Dataset Access

Our API provides multiple endpoints for accessing dataset metadata and data values. Data can be queried by area or by individual point or points. Area data is delivered in GRIB or NetCDF format, point data is delivered in JSON format.

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Forecast and Nowcast Data

Forecast and Nowcast Data

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Historical Data

Available datasets:

Global Combined Ocean and Tidal currents

Global Weather

Global Wind


Web Map Layers

Utilise our weather, wave and current layers in your wms. We have done the hard work of rendering our data as images, making them available for integration as an enterprise grade OGC compliant service.

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